Friday, June 06, 2008

So it's over?? It's Really Over!!!!

I can't believe it y'all, but it is finally over. He clinched it, her supporters are deserting her left and right, and now he is running things at the DNC...and both houses of Congress are supposed to be bringing to the floor bills that will help him look good, and McCain to look awfulllllllll!!!! YAY!!! But the question still remains, "now what??" what about those anti-Democrats who plan to vote for McCain if Clinton isn't the VP?? And in whose dreams is that a dream ticket...I swear I wake up drenched in sweat if I dream about it...seems more like a nightmare. It also would make Obama lose a lot of credit in my eyes!! I mean this is the couple that said that McCain would be a better POTUS that Obama...why would he want them in his White House?? and there is a such thing as too much diversity...I didn't decide it, but it is real!! But she is supposed to concede and endorse Obama tomorrow morning. BTW...I work in one of her superdelegate's's pretty weird seeing your boss making comments about this issue...but it is so wonderful at the same time...guess whose trying to get a nice letter of Rec out the deal....I am!!! lol...ttyl....oh, yeah, Obama and Howard Dean(DNC Chairman) have decided that the DNC will not accept money from registered lobbyist(although he will take their money from other folks around them) I say go on ahead witcha bad self!!


Lucky said...

too much...what's a POTUS? i don't do political jargon

Bobby_2010 said...

the position they are running for...President Of The United States

Lucky said...
