I'm really pissed at the way the two national parties(GOP & DNC) are treating Michigan! The Democrats stripped the Michiganders of their delegates to the DNC, all because the moved up the date of their primary. If the leaders of the Democratic Party had any sense, they would have left all of the delegates (that way the Michiganders would look at the DNC as a party that cares about them). These idiots stripped away the delegates and all of the candidates, except for Mrs. Clinton, have pulled their names from the ballots...way to give a state to the GOP!!! I sincerely hope that the Michiganders don't give themselves over to the GOP (Group Of Pricks), because they also stripped delegates, but at least they still retain half of them. And all of the GOP Candidates that are mattering at this point are on the ballots...Thanks Gov. Dean...you and your acolytes are complete nut-jobs!!!
I am really going to have to pray for the entire State of Michigan. Mighigan has been in a one-State depression for quite some time, 7 straight years of job loss (450,000 jobs), an unemployment rate of 7.4% (higher than the fed rate of 5.0%), an eroding tax base, and an education system that is in a downward spiral. These problems are cyclical, with the exporting of the majority of Manufacturing jobs (thanks to the numerous free trade agreements put into affect by this Bush Administration and the Rubber Stamp that is Congress), the middle-class tax base is shrinking, thereby reducing available funds for education and other social services. As education deteriorates, the young people entering the workforce will be even less qualified to work in industries that pay well, thereby further reducing the tax base and creating an ever declining education system. And with the influx of Illegal immigrants into this country the few available, low-paying jobs won't be given to US citizens...why pay US citizens minimum wage when you can pay others lower wages??? Again, Thanks Guys!! Way to begin the process of sending our country to Hell in a Handbasket!! Please watch the following video of Gov. Granholm, she has such a long haul ahead of her, pray for her!!
WTF Awards:
McKenzie School District Superintendent Sally Storm, "My duty is to follow the law in this case - the U.S. Constitution - which doesn't allow public schools to either interfere with the practice of religion or establish a religious practice," she said. The Motto nixed all references to God, and read as follows: "They that believe shall mount up with wings as eagles." Okay, we complain about the ultra-conservative, Ultra-religious...but what about the extreme secularists?? Come on people, we can do so much better!!! Aren't there bigger fish to fry?? Taken from katu.com2 Portland, OR.
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s administration, drawing up plans for a two-tiered licensing system that would issue different driver’s licenses to undocumented aliens and legal residents. Undocumented immigrants would have to prove only that they live in Maryland, but they would not be able to use their licenses to board airplanes, enter federal buildings or cross borders, the Washington Post reports. Taken from freerepublic, click here for more info.
Democratic National Committee, the DNC has stripped both Michigan and Florida of their delegates to the the Democratic National Convention, which will be held at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado August 25-28, 2008. These folks stripped the states of all delegates, while the GOP(Group of Pricks) only stripped 50%, leaving in place some incentive for the voters to participate in the elections on the side of the GOP(Group of Pricks).
Kudos to
New York State Association of County Clerks, for opposing the plan by New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to give licenses to illegal immigrants. ( I know this is from October, but I thought it was relevant to bring up since MD is going down that same path!!)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Poor Old Michigan...Why Kick Them When They're Down
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 12:01:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: funding, Michigan, proactive, you choose 08
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hillary Clinton's Alleged Belittling of MLK, JR...Maybe, Maybe Not
I have no doubt that she has the greatest respect for Dr. King, and I'm sure Mrs. Clinton did not intend to belittle King's accomplishments. However, even assuming that's the case, her remarks send a message that "the people don't matter; it's the ones in power who get things done." And that is a bad, a VERY bad message to send. And hillary again gets the WTF?? Award...when will she learn?? you don't alienate people!! Kudos to New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYC Death Rate Hits All-Time Low.
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 5:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Clinton, politicians, President, you choose 08
Nevada Caucuses Hit Snag...Lawsuit Reminds one of FL Under Jeb Bush...Hmm
Nevada’s state teachers union, as well as six Las Vegas area residents filed a lawsuit late Friday that could make it harder for many members of the state’s large hotel workers union to vote in the hotly contested Jan. 19 Democratic caucus in Nevada. The lawsuit argues that the Nevada Democratic Party's decision, decided late last year, to create at-large precincts inside nine Las Vegas resorts on caucus day violates the state’s election laws and creates a system in which voters at the at-large precincts can elect more delegates than voters at other precincts. The lawsuit employs a complex mathematical formula to show that voters at the other 1,754 precincts would have less influence with their votes.The at-large precincts are being established because thousands of hotel workers cannot leave work to participate in the midday caucuses in their home precincts. The Nevada State Education Association has said it would not endorse any Democrat, but some of its top officials have endorsed Mrs. Clinton. Click on the title, it links to an article that goes further in-depth. I'm not gonna touch this...I don't live in Nevada, and don't know all of the ins-and-outs. Just wanted to put it out there.
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 5:11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: caucus, Obama, you choose 08
Really?? Makes Me Wonder If They're Really Thinking!
Okay folks, I was watching Lou Dobbs Tonight again. I just have to point out that he and I are on the exact same wave length (as far as politics, anyway). So today I'm gonna rant about the Real ID Act, which would make it (virtually) impossible for illegals to get driver's Licenses. I don't really understand how our representatives minds work, this law will not be implemented for another 9 (yes, nine) years--thats 16 years after September 11, 2001. I mean this law is supposed to keep illegals from boarding planes, which is how they ran into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. I mean seriously, is there any clearer example of dereliction of duty?? Driver's licenses to illegal immigrants?? I don't understand how ILLIEGAL immigrants can be entitled to the same rights as I, a citizen of this country. I pay taxes, I perform community service, I obey laws and know how to drive. But someone that breaks the law is entitled to the EXACT same right as me?? Come on CONGRESS!!!! Why are you pandering to people who don't even have the right to vote??? I mean dang, can I get some consideration?? I vote and pay taxes, you should care what I think!! Enough about that..it'll just make me have a heart attack.
Okay starting now there are gonna be two awards given out in every (almost) new post. I will be giving Kudos to some politician that is doing the job they were hired for, and the WTF?? award to a politician that really can't be thinking straight. So for the inauguration of the awards I give you:
Kudos to Mike Cox the Attorney General of Michigan. Mr. Cox said the smartest thing I've heard in this debate over whehter or not ILLIEGAL immigrants are entitled to driver's licenses. He asked how people who aren't legal residents of the United States be legal residents of Michigan, and using sound reasoning, came to the conclusion that it's impossible and that they are therefore not entitled to Driver's Licenses! Hooray!! Someone with sense!!!
Kudos go out to Frank Jackson, the Mayor of Cleveland, OH. Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson is suing Wall Street over the U.S. economy-threatening subprime lending crisis. Jackson, a Democrat, filed his suit against 21 banks in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, naming venerable institutions such as Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo for creating a public nuisance. The mayor contends the companies irresponsibly bought and sold high-interest home loans to people who had "no realistic means of keeping up with their loan payments," resulting in widespread defaults that depleted the city's tax base and left entire neighborhoods in ruins, the Cleveland Plain-Dealer reported. City officials hope to recover hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, including lost taxes from devalued property and money spent tearing down or boarding up thousands of abandoned houses. "To me, this is no different than organized crime or drugs," Jackson said in an interview with Plain Dealer reporters and editors. "It has the same effect as drug activity in neighborhoods. It's a form of organized crime that happens to be legal in many respects." (this was taken from http://www.politicalgateway.com/news/read/124315)
WTF?? to Hillary Clinton, Senator from New York, and Democratic Presidential Candidate. Mrs. Clinton was heard to tell a crowd that there are no illegal women, and no illegal men, either. Now I wonder what she means?? does she mean that people who have crossed the border into our country without proper permissions are here legally?? does she mean that anyone who harbors a desire to live here can come here with no consequences?? I just don't understand!! Pardon me Mrs. Clinton, but would you mind answering this Question?? WTF do you mean?? I would love to hear from you!
In other News, I will be in South Carolina on Saturday to canvass for Barack Obama, in his quest for the Presidency. I defintely need to request my ballot form Missouri, so that I can vote for him. I would prefer John Edwards, but I'll take who I think would be the second best.
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 2:38:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
Don't we have bigger Fish to Fry??
Okay folks, I just have to put this out here. Just because someone makes an ignorant sounding remark doesn't mean we should get all up-in-arms about it. I mean, why waste time getting mad at Kelly Tilghman, Tiger Woods isn't suing her...why are we after her blood? I really don't understand how we can sit here and try to judge her for using words that are part of the English language. So she said they should take Tiger out and lynch him in a back alley...so what? Does that affect your life?? No, and I seriously doubt that she meant it in a racist manner. I mean Black people don't have a monopoly on being lynched. I think that we have bigger fish to fry in this country, especially regarding the state of Black America. I mean how many of us are actually gonna go out and meet with the administrators at our schools?? I mean these people have more of an effect upon your life than Kelly Tilghman, and yet, when time comes to make some changes to how things work, How many of us get up and go to the free, public school board meetings? I went to quite a few when I was in high school, it was a sad turn out. But then we wanna get mad when someone says something about lynching Tiger Woods?? Give me a break! Stop addressing these ignorant rantings (if that is what they are) and exercise you rights as an American citizen to change things you can change. You cannot force someone to not be racist, it's just silly to believe that you can. So let's make some changes that are within our grasp. Vote in the Next municipal, county, State, School board, Presidential, Congressional elections. We Don't have to get so mad about trivial bullshit! I'm out!
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 2:09:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Way We Are...Hopefully One Day This Will Be The Way We WERE!!
Okay, so I'm sitting here watching "Lou Dobbs Tonight" with my buddies...and I can't help but think, "what is going on in this country????" I mean how can we cut funding to some of the biggest issues in the USA??? So Bush has cut funding to education, anti-drug programming, and any number of other social programs. But, I have to be fair, our Democratic Congress, with their mandate from the people, have NOT done all that they can to stop this lunatic.
I still try so hard to understand why people elected Bush again...you know, I can understand the first time. But TWICE????? Come on people! I sincerely believe that President Bush is doing his best to ruin the US before he leaves office. I can't believe that he really thinks that his choices are for the best, if he really does...all I can say is DAMN!!! He must really be stupid! This does not bode well for the US. We must be completely stupid, or maybe we're just too nice...you know wanting to give him another chance. Whatever the reason...get over it!! We have to do what is best for our country. Whether you are conservative or liberal, we have got to realize that the way things are is not going to cut it!
Why is it that the template of democracy is the democracy with the lowest voter turn out?? I mean people, get over your apathy...why be apathetic when you can be proactive?? If you don't like the way things are change them...and don't give me that my vote doesn't count crap. If your vote doesn't count, run for office...because I can guarantee there are others that agree with you! And look on the bright side, even if you don't win, at least you'll have brought your issue to the forefront...the establishment candidates may adopt your ideas...and when they fail to honor those commitments you can run and point out their flaws. Or, as Michael Moore says in Downsize This, just forget about the politicians and elect the special interests, I mean they run the country anyway...at least that way...we know what to look for from the get go, I mean why should they get rich off of us...let them suffer the way we do and let them work and be subject to the whims of the special interests, just like us. I mean since the voters don't have whims, they should be subject to someones whims.
Please respond, I love to dialogue!
Posted by Bobby_2010 at 6:35:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: apathetic, Bush, Downsize, establishment, funding, mandate, politicians, President, proactive, US