Friday, January 11, 2008

Don't we have bigger Fish to Fry??

Okay folks, I just have to put this out here. Just because someone makes an ignorant sounding remark doesn't mean we should get all up-in-arms about it. I mean, why waste time getting mad at Kelly Tilghman, Tiger Woods isn't suing her...why are we after her blood? I really don't understand how we can sit here and try to judge her for using words that are part of the English language. So she said they should take Tiger out and lynch him in a back what? Does that affect your life?? No, and I seriously doubt that she meant it in a racist manner. I mean Black people don't have a monopoly on being lynched. I think that we have bigger fish to fry in this country, especially regarding the state of Black America. I mean how many of us are actually gonna go out and meet with the administrators at our schools?? I mean these people have more of an effect upon your life than Kelly Tilghman, and yet, when time comes to make some changes to how things work, How many of us get up and go to the free, public school board meetings? I went to quite a few when I was in high school, it was a sad turn out. But then we wanna get mad when someone says something about lynching Tiger Woods?? Give me a break! Stop addressing these ignorant rantings (if that is what they are) and exercise you rights as an American citizen to change things you can change. You cannot force someone to not be racist, it's just silly to believe that you can. So let's make some changes that are within our grasp. Vote in the Next municipal, county, State, School board, Presidential, Congressional elections. We Don't have to get so mad about trivial bullshit! I'm out!


Lucky said...

I think a political blog was a good move. Hopefully you get a lot of traffic, then you can direct it to mine!

sorry i don't know how to link it yet

Anonymous said...

All I got to say is MAN I HEAR YOU!!!!!! people waste alot of their lives on people and issue that are irelevant to their life. I mean your mom tells you to sit down and read a book to better educate yourself and you pick up 'PEOPLE' to read about the new fads and Britney Spears latest break down. WHO CARES! No one care(or should care) about what this woman is doing but people who actually KNOW her. I could care less about what she is doing becuase it doesn't help my life or anything in it. GET REAL PEOPLE!