Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Let's resolve this please!!!

On Saturday, May 31, 2008, The Democratic Party Rules and Bylaws Committee(DRBC) will meet to decide the fate of the delegations from Michigan and Florida to the Democratic National Presidential Nominating Convention. The lawyers for the Democratic National Committee(DNC) have come to the conclusion that the DRBC can only seat half of the delegations. The DRBC is, however, free to decide whether they want to seat the whole delegation with 1/2 votes, or just half of the delegates. The DRBC is also at liberty to decide about the votes of the FL & MI Superdelegates: Whether the Superdelegates get their votes as a whole group, or if they will only have half their number present(at least that's what I think I heard and read). I also believe that the DRBC decides in what proportion the delegates will be apportioned to the candidates.

Also: A Florida court threw out a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the Democratic Party's decision not to seat delegates from Florida -- as litigants prepared to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Political consultant Victor DiMaio and his lawyer Michael Steinberg had compared the party's decision to earlier prohibitions against allowing African-Americans to vote and invoked the trauma of the Florida recount in the 2000 contest between Al Gore and George W. Bush, both arguments also used by Hillary Clinton to support the seating of the state's delegates.
Judge Richard Lazarra sided with the party, saying political parties have the right to make their own rules.(the article can be found here)

I am going to try to get into the DRBC meeting, it is open to the public, but there are only day of credentials left, so I will be up early Saturday morning to get there and get a first hand view of the meeting outcome. That way I can know that what I'm writing is actually factual and not speculation.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Folks are blowing this way outta proportion!!!

Okay, so I have to defend Hillary Clinton, she said that the reason she was staying in the race is because historically, the race has ended in june before! to explain this she told how Bill had campaigned into June, and so had Robert F. Kennedy. To bring up Kennedy, she spoke of his assassination, which I will admit was kinda careless!! But I really don't think she advocates killing Obama, and if she this one instance of White hatred of Blacks, I am truly shocked and appalled!! I was privy to a video from a blog on the GOP.
These rightwing, racist nutjobs on Fox news are getting away with all kinds of dumb shit!! Look at this video:

What kinda shit is this? Why did this bitch laugh??? and kept on going...I really am appalled at the shit that is allowed on that channel, Bill O'Rielly(Read: rich, racist, stupid ass son-of-a-bitch, he claims to espouse the ideals of the common man, but these ignorant fucks are so damn worried about Black folks making it ahead of them that they are willing to allow these rich dummies to ruin our whole way of life!!) talked about lynching Michelle Obama!WTFUUUUCCCKKKKKK???? now this stupid bitch says assassinate Obama...I swear Democrats need to stop being pussies, and let me be their version of Ann Coulter...I swear i would rip these bitches new assholes, right after I slit them from asshole to appetite with my tongue lashing!!! the video and let me know how you feel!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reduced to Begging?? Really??

Y'all, yesterday i was depressed and despondent after reading this: Bush has flown to Saudi Arabia to beg the Saudis to increase their oil output. I am utterly outraged that he has taken to going to beg folks for relief, what kinda bull is that??? Why not invest in renewable or at least American oil?? I mean while the oil in Colorado is expensive to get, but the money would be going to Americans instead foreigners. The Saudi King, Abdullah, told Bush that his country was already meeting consumer needs, and who can blame him for not lowering the prices, doesn't that go against the whole idea of business?? If people are willing to pay that price...why not raise it as high as possible?? And clearly gas isn't high enough, people are still driving everywhere, and cities, states, counties...and any other government are still not investing in improved mass transit. and they aren't issuing orders to ration gasoline(thank God!!) I say, once it gets too high things will change...I say let's go green...and not just because it's one of my family names!!! I say let it go up more, once we get tired of paying these relatively low prices, we'll do something about it and begging ain't gonna be one of them!!

Here Bush sits with the King, right before he gets told that they will not lower our prices, he looks like a loser, and since we allowed him to "lead" us we look like a bunch of losers too!!! and it sickens me...hopefully President Obama can do better...He better...otherwise we(read Black Folks) will be seen as some losers, he is getting 90% of our vote...Lawd, JesUs! Help him(read us, Black Folks)!!!

Full-Blooded?? Heritage?? Blood equity??...okay, hat??

As I was surfing this morning, on my daily blogroll, I went to one of my favorite political blogs and read this post about some woman(Kathleen Parker)'s article about why WV residents didn't vote for Obama. okay so this woman quotes this young West VA, "'A full-blooded American.'That's how 24-year-old Josh Fry of West Virginia described his preference for John McCain over Barack Obama. His feelings aren't racist, he explained. He would just be more comfortable with 'someone who is a full-blooded American as president."' So this is crazy, this woman is Jewish, and yet, has the nerve to try to use the same argument against Obama as so many people use against her people. I just don't understand where this is coming from: since Obama is multi-ethnic/multi-racial, he is not a full-blooded American?? What is that exactly?? the only people here who can claim to be full blooded Americans are the native Americans(and there is some argument against that), everyone else is the descendant of some type of immigrant. So this whole nativist hatred of immigrants is unfounded, and utterly appalling. and the fact that this woman characterizes Whites as the "typical Americans" is just stupid....forget being PC...this bitch is off her rocker!!! I wanna know what makes on a typical American, b/c depending on where you are "typical" has a different school "typical" means Black, in the US Senate "typical" means White and I first need this woman to define terms before she starts to throw them out...enough said read the article, let me know how you feel!!

Breaking News: Sen Edward Kennedy(D-Massachusetts) has been diagnosed as having a malignant glioma. I did some research and found this: Malignant gliomas are the most common primary brain tumor, accounting for more than half of the more than 18,000 primary malignant brain tumors diagnosed each year in the United States. These tumors are the second-most common cause of cancer death in the 15 to 44 age group.

The outlook for patients with malignant gliomas is poor. Median survival for patients with moderately severe (grade III) malignant gliomas is three to five years. For patients with the most severe, aggressive form of malignant glioma (grade IV glioma or glioblastoma multiforme), median survival is less than a year.

Surgery is recommended for all operable brain tumors and is usually followed by radiation therapy. Several studies have shown that adding chemotherapy to radiation can improve patients' survival. In June 2004, after the completion of the current study, researchers announced that adding the drug temozolomide (Temodar®) to radiation therapy increased median survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme by about two months (see related story). This approach is now considered the standard of care for the initial treatment of these tumors.

IN other news: Barack Obama told the GOP to back off when it comes to Michelle, he told them could say what they want about hime, but get off Michelle. SO what do you think: Is he fair game?? When I watched her later explanation of her remarks...I understood her remarks..she said that for the first time she was proud of the amount of political involvement this race had created. so I don't understand the big hoopla when you look at the whole picture!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

You stinkin' LIBERAL!!!!

I just really don't understand why being called a liberal is an insult....could someone enlighten me? I read the comments on these articles about politics and it seems that the only "insult" people are able to hurl at Obama(besides naivete, and inexperience) is that he's the most liberal member of the senate. I always thought that was a good thing for Democrats, but now I'm seeing Clinton supporters upset by him being so liberal(and quite frankly, I don't think he's that liberal: there is no way he could have won in Iowa and come really close in Indiana if he was an ultra-liberal like myself!), find something else to complain about in regards to Mr. Obama.

And what is up with this whole GOP attack on Michelle Obama?? I mean they should have attacked Hillary Clinton, she was part of the Clinton administration. Mrs. Obama has made it clear that she will not be another Hillary Clinton(she hates politics, and she has no aspirations) and I really don't think her comments should have very much bearing on Obama's campaign. But I will say that she needs to stop overruling him in public, I mean i have read several articles about her just shutting him down in the middle of making a point, now that's fine in private, but not in public!!

And John McCain has lost several members of his campaign team. Obama seized upon the chance to paint McCain as nothing but "politic as usual": "The fact is, John McCain's campaign is being run by Washington lobbyists and paid for by their money," Obama argued Monday in Billings, Mont. — far from the Beltway. "I'm not in this race to continue the special interest-driven politics of the last eight years. I'm in this race to end it."

And in other news: Ellen is gonna get married to Portia de Rossi. YAY, Ellen!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The world is turning upside down...or is it???

Yesterday, California legalized gay marriage when the California Supreme Court ruled that a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has said that should the state legislature decide to amend the constitution, he would not support the amendment. California has once again gone against the mold, just as they did in the issue of interracial marriage, and in the words of San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, " California goes, so goes the nation..."

Also, The Democrats have picked up seats in three strong Republican-leaning districts:
Travis Childers (D) Mississippi 1st District
Don Cazayoux (D) Louisiana 6th District
The Democrats also picked up the seat held by Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert since 1986, the victor, BIll Foster, will represent Illinois's 14th Congressional District.

And the Energy Department has halted adding oil to the government's strategic oil supplies...but I have yet to see gasolne prices go down, and I don't expect to. The story I saw on CNN, said that the oil would be going to produce more diesel fuel, which could help to lower the prices of everyday products in the long run...we can only hope... I'me out!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Surprise, surprise

John Edwards endorsed Obama, and Hillary said she's staying in! And Bush told Israeli lawmakers that Obama is not concerned with their continued existence(what a crock of crap!!!) and McCain said he wants to work across the aisle, the Senate and house have passed a bill to stop filling emergency reserves of gasoline and oil. That is what I have heard so far, will update when more news is received!