Friday, May 16, 2008

The world is turning upside down...or is it???

Yesterday, California legalized gay marriage when the California Supreme Court ruled that a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has said that should the state legislature decide to amend the constitution, he would not support the amendment. California has once again gone against the mold, just as they did in the issue of interracial marriage, and in the words of San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, " California goes, so goes the nation..."

Also, The Democrats have picked up seats in three strong Republican-leaning districts:
Travis Childers (D) Mississippi 1st District
Don Cazayoux (D) Louisiana 6th District
The Democrats also picked up the seat held by Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert since 1986, the victor, BIll Foster, will represent Illinois's 14th Congressional District.

And the Energy Department has halted adding oil to the government's strategic oil supplies...but I have yet to see gasolne prices go down, and I don't expect to. The story I saw on CNN, said that the oil would be going to produce more diesel fuel, which could help to lower the prices of everyday products in the long run...we can only hope... I'me out!!


Lucky said...

I'm so happy for CA! You know how I am.

I need these gas prices to go down, stat. It's sickening how much $$ the Bushes and EXXON are making.

K said...

Leave it up to us to make change...I love my state. Go CALIFORNIA!!!