Thursday, April 24, 2008

So...Wright has had a history of spewing hatred against Whites??

I found this picture while surfing the net, had no idea it existed! I don't think it makes Hillary a hypocrite, but it does raise questions about why she would bring up the Wright issue in the primary. Rev. Wright had visited the White House and she was there that day, but she isn't demonized by Bill shaking his hand! And why are people trying to infringe upon Rev Wright's right to free speech?? He can say whatever he wants, I don't understand how the ACLU can represent the Nazi when they wanna march in Skokie, Ill(read Jewish enclave), but not one person outside of Black America has the guts to defend him. This is so sad...and so what if he said "God Damn America?" I have heard people say worse things, and its not like his comments were completely off-base! WE (read the US) claim to fight wars to protect and restore the rights of non-citizens, some of whom say worse things about us, but we try ignore the injustice in our own country. We have a history of racism in this country, and I would venture to say that we still do, and we have to understand that people(both Black and White) feel very strongly about racism(whether they agree with it or not)! And I really don't understand why so many White People are "surprised" that he said that: Sunday is the most segregated day of the week!!! I'm sure that White churches have a history of perpetuating racist ideals(think Southern Baptist: it broke from the northern to protest the abolitionist movements, and the same happened with the other major White denominations), but I definitely don't think it affects White politicians in bad ways, I actually think it helps(in some cases)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pennsylvania...nothing was ON TO THE CONVENTION IN DENVER!!

Many people had hoped that the people in Pennsylvania would tell Hillary Clinton to drop out of the Democratic Presidential Nomination race, and yet she is still in the race! I personally don't have any issue with her staying in the race, it is her right to stay in the race as long as there is no obvious nominee(and neither has the 2024 delegates needed to secure it). I can also understand her dropping took her husband until April to win the Nomination in 1992. And once he was declared the nominee, the party coalesced around him. I can only hope that feelings aren't hurt enough to prevent a reconciliation on the floor of the Convention. And I also hope that the Dems have learned from the McGovern mistake and are looking into the backgrounds of potential VPs, even if we don't have a nominee for Pres. yet. I would hate for the ticket be humiliated by something in the VP cand.'s past. But I would like for Clinton(1? 2? 3?) to really consider toning down the rhetoric, we don't need to tear our own candidate down before the other side does. And I wonder why so many Democrats think that there are these vast differences between the policy positions of the two candidates: they both have odd ideas of what universal healthcare(read mandatory insurance) should be, they both wanna get out of Iraq, they both see the value in diplomacy, and they both wanna get rid of tax cuts that hurt the economy more than they help. I have said this to say that people should be willing to vote for Obama if he is the nominee, I mean if Clinton bows out at the convention and endorses him, then accept it and hope for it another time. But I do stand by the statement I have made before, if Clinton doesn't overtake Obama in pledged delegates without poaching his delegates, and is selected by the superdelegates I will be changing my party affiliation and voting for Obama anyway as a write-in...and if that doesn't work...I'll vote for Nader just to make sure she knows she doesn't have a mandate from the people just because our representatives chose her. and I am also willing to vote for another person in my city's congressional primary if my congressman ignores the fact that Obama represents the voice of his constituents. The rationale for this decision is that one doesn't represent me if your ideas aren't in line with mine. Let me know your thoughts on the matter.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Will you just Shut up...please???

Does anyone care what Bob Johnson(founder of BET) have to say about anything? I mean this man founded BET, a channel that I abhor! Bob Johnson is not doing a service to the Democratic Party by pointing out Obama's flaws. He is a true Clintonite, but why does that mean try to destroy the chances of Obama? Obama has already admitted to his recreational drug use as a youngster, Why are we harping on this? And even if a White person wouldn't be in his position, that is not important; look at all of the White people who have become president with even fewer qualifications! Out of 43 presidents we have had nine who didn't attend college, including Harry Truman, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Barack Obama is eminently qualified to be President of the United States, I do not think that he is any more qualified than Hillary Clinton...but the cards just didn't fall into place for her. I do think that Obama is somewhat less polarizing than Clinton, but then again he may be just as polarizing, he is Black and he is liberal, and for some reason being a liberal is wrong! I don't understand why being liberal is seen as bad for so many in the Christian Right...what about us on the Christian Left??? I am a true believer, a born-again Christian, but I still believe that we are no better than anyone else...we have our own flaws(both individually and as a group). I just don't understand why Christians feel the need to tear down a fellow Christian, and I definitely don't understand the need for another Black man to tear down one of our own(Bob Johnson, you are truly that mean ass crab in the bottom of the bucket!!!). I don't even feel that it's right to try to rip Republicans to shreds, I mean we are all humans and all US citizens(or permanent residents)...let's see what is best for the country not who is the nastiest campaigner...and let's regular Americans not be bamboozled by another "swift boat campaign".
Anyway...the whole point of this post was to tell Bob Johnson to Shut his mouth...I mean we've all seen Bambi, and we all know what Thumper's mother said: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Really??? What nerve you have!!

Okay, so here's the issue. Barack Obama was in San Francisco and was at a fund raising event. While at the event he stated that he thought that people in small towns hit hard by the economic downturn are bitter, which is probably a little true(even if not universally true) and that that is why they cling to guns and religion. Okay, so that may not be the reason they like to shoot guns or pray, but I really do believe that here has to be some sort of truth to that, just look at the people that tend to live in small towns: gun-toting, Bible-reading folks. And quite often, when business put the squeeze on, they hit small towns first, where it will have the least political fallout. So, my advice to everyone is to lay off and pay attention to the folks labeling him elitist, they are the ones who have been millionaires for more than 2007. And John McCain is definitely not caring about the little man...he believes in corporate welfare, echoing the flawed sentiments of Ronald Reagan. I wasn't alive to know what Reaganism felt like, but I can guarantee that I feel the after effects. The trickle-down theory is not realistic....the rich get richer and they don't help the poor man take back the tax-cuts, they're gonna send the jobs out of the country anyway!! (So why pay them to send the jobs out of the country????) So, how dare they call him elitist!! The Millionaires, at least he is trying to be realistic and not sugarcoat it all! That is all...leave me feedback...I love it!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Just wondering...what do you think??

Okay, so Hillary Rodham Clinton is becoming a complete loser. Now she is trying to take the pledged delegates that Obama got, I hope she doesn't think that if that happens she has a "mandate form the people" because that would be a complete lie. If somehow Senator Clinton wins the nomination I, for one, will be switching my party registration. I will be joining the populist party and voting for Nader in November, it's the principal, how on earth can she expect us to vote for her when she doesn't have a chance to win the nomination outside of the smoke-filled back rooms of olden days?! Also, I really hope that McCain can't rile up the conservative base, I mean since when does Christian = Republican? I would think that Christians would care about people other than themselves, but I guess not! anyway, I gotta go to class so I'll rant a little later. Also, if anyone is in Atlanta, Please come out to the first ever Spel-House Dance Marathon,Saturday (4-12-08) on the campus of Morehouse College!!!