Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Will you just Shut up...please???

Does anyone care what Bob Johnson(founder of BET) have to say about anything? I mean this man founded BET, a channel that I abhor! Bob Johnson is not doing a service to the Democratic Party by pointing out Obama's flaws. He is a true Clintonite, but why does that mean try to destroy the chances of Obama? Obama has already admitted to his recreational drug use as a youngster, Why are we harping on this? And even if a White person wouldn't be in his position, that is not important; look at all of the White people who have become president with even fewer qualifications! Out of 43 presidents we have had nine who didn't attend college, including Harry Truman, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. Barack Obama is eminently qualified to be President of the United States, I do not think that he is any more qualified than Hillary Clinton...but the cards just didn't fall into place for her. I do think that Obama is somewhat less polarizing than Clinton, but then again he may be just as polarizing, he is Black and he is liberal, and for some reason being a liberal is wrong! I don't understand why being liberal is seen as bad for so many in the Christian Right...what about us on the Christian Left??? I am a true believer, a born-again Christian, but I still believe that we are no better than anyone else...we have our own flaws(both individually and as a group). I just don't understand why Christians feel the need to tear down a fellow Christian, and I definitely don't understand the need for another Black man to tear down one of our own(Bob Johnson, you are truly that mean ass crab in the bottom of the bucket!!!). I don't even feel that it's right to try to rip Republicans to shreds, I mean we are all humans and all US citizens(or permanent residents)...let's see what is best for the country not who is the nastiest campaigner...and let's regular Americans not be bamboozled by another "swift boat campaign".
Anyway...the whole point of this post was to tell Bob Johnson to Shut his mouth...I mean we've all seen Bambi, and we all know what Thumper's mother said: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!!