Thursday, July 03, 2008

Young MAN!! Sir, sir...

So I am becoming more and more uncaring in this presidential race...I am not pleased with either candidate...McSame is a complete dick, so he needs no new words...just watch the videos posted below this'll get the idea.

BHO...WTF?? you are killing me! I mean wasn't your whole thing that you showed better judgment because you were not willing to go along with the war in the first now is it okay to call into question your judgment? I mean I understand your position, I actually am glad its your position, its just that you should have adopted it earlier on...and please, stop with this ultra-Christian thing...what is that??? I mean do you seriously think that churches need more input in the running of our government??? This intolerant government needs more input from intolerant Christians??(I happen to be a Christian, but i am by no means mainstream in my views at this stage of my life!!) are moving further and further right every second and it scares me...I thought tha finally we had an unapologetic liberal running for president...where are Hillary and John-E?? They are clearly ...are somewhat of an enigma..I mean, if you win I will still be coming to DC for the inauguration...but come on don't make me regret registering as a Dem...I mean I loved it when they called you the most liberal member of the Senate..I made my heart swell with pride!!

I really hope that I don't have to regret my vote against Clinton...fix this!! Choose a position and stick with it for the rest of the election...then change for your re-election worked for George might work for you too!!


One Man’s Opinion said...

I am feeling you on this post, bro. I know he is the canidate for change, but change of our country, not himself, damn it!